BIG Secret

Sexual abuse. Incest. Molestation. Words that make everyone cringe. Words you wish you didn’t know the meaning of…


Growing up in rural Alaska, these are things many people know about even before we know there are words for them.  But they can affect us every day of our lives if we let them, sometimes they mold us into who we are.  


Because of what happened to her and her family when she was young, my mom was always veryprotective of us growing up. But there was one thing she didn’t know about, and later found out, that her biggest fear had become a reality. From what I can remember, it started when I was about 3 years old. I remember racing to his room to give him a hug so we could get a treat. We thought nothing of it, until it escalated into more and more. It wasn’t long before it came to a point where we didn’t want to see him, hear his voice, or even smell him. When he walked into the room, we would immediately find a place to sit just so he had no chance. He would bribe us to play on his computer while he touched us. None of the adults knew why we ran past his room as fast as we could or didn’t want to be left with him babysitting us. It seemed like each of us knew what was going on, but we never talked about our little secret.  Finally, one day, I found the courage to tell my mom and it was the best thing I’ve ever done.


He was convicted and spent a few years in jail and in a sexual abuse treatment center to get help. It turns out, he was abused himself. But the cycle of abuse has stopped with me and my family. We chose to fight it, talk about it, and use it to help as many people as we can.  


I know many, MANY of you have had experience with this and I just want to encourage you today.  First of all, you need to know that NO MATTER WHAT, IT ISN’T YOUR FAULT.  You may be a victim now, but God turns victims into victory and it starts with telling someone. It’s terrifying to think of what can happen, but as my sister says, “when every answer seems like a ‘lose-lose’ situation, you just have to choose the right thing”. I can’t imagine where I’d be if I never said anything! I can honestly say that I am not ashamed of this and it’s made me a stronger person. I think the more we try to hide these things, the more power we give to it, and the weaker we get. I want you to know that my mom and I have prayed for you and asked God to give you strength, courage, and hope.  It’s time to let go of the shame, stand strong, and stop the cycle.  



Even though you planned evil against me, God planned good to come out of it. This was to keep many people alive, as he is doing now.” Genesis 50:20


He comforts us in all our troubles so that we can comfort others. When they are troubled, we will be able to give them the same comfort God has given us.” 2 Corinthians 1:4



1) Take the day off from makeup

2) Dress up, do your hair, so your beauty isn’t hidden behind a scrubby look

3) Be proud of the natural beauty that you are

4) Give God glory today!

5) GUYS – Appreciate! 🙂


Let me know if you want to be tagged. You can check out my other devotions posted in my blog @  Don’t forget to ‘Like’ the NO MAKEUP MONDAYS Page on facebook! NMM’s are written weekly by myself Savannah, and my mom, CorinaImage

Lets GO! Monday, March 18th

This last week, my family went to Nome for the Iditarod Outreach, a mission event where 120 people come from all over to volunteer during this huge tourist event. They worked concessions, cleaned the gym nightly, worked the dog lot around the clock, gave out hot drinks and Bibles-in–Buckets, ran supplies to Safety, set up/served/cleaned the Iditarod banquet with 800 people, etc… It’s pretty amazing to be a part of something like this. I mean, people actually take time off of work, pay thousands for tickets (there were even some from as far as Japan!), and worked together with complete strangers, doing jobs that nobody wants to do. They go, just to help and show love, even when no one sees or notices them, and these people worked harrrrd!!


When I went to Mexico on a mission trip last summer, it was the same thing, we wanted to show people that someone cares for them. We weren’t there to shove Jesus in their face, it was more about building relationships. I remember the first day on our building site, there was a little boy named Fernando.  Even though I was a little nervous on the first day, I smiled and TRIED to speak some spanish to him. He noticed my sincerity and said “caboochi”, which meant “piggy back ride”. He instantly became my best friend. The next day when our team got to the work site, he quickly ran to his house and came back and tried to give me 10 pesos that he had earned, which is worth a lot to a little boy with nothing. It was soo touching knowing that just a simple smile would make such a difference to him. 


Have you ever noticed that it’s the little extra things that people do, that grab your attention and make you wonder?!


This was also a good reminder to me that we don’t have to go on a mission trip to show someone that we care.  Just a simple smile, or picking up trash, or starting a conversation (which I’m really bad at btw haha) can make a real difference in someone’s day.  At school, work, or even with your family, doing something extra that says, “Jesus loves you” can actually be enough to make people stop and think about the reason for the Hope that is in you. 


VERSE: “The goal of this command is love, which comes from a pure heart and a good conscience and a sincere faith.” 1 Timothy 1:5



1) Take the day off from makeup

2) Dress up, do your hair, so your beauty isn’t hidden behind a scrubby look

3) Be proud of the natural beauty that you are

4) Give God glory today!

5) GUYS – Appreciate! 🙂


Let me know if you want to be tagged. You can check out my other devotions posted in my blog @  Don’t forget to ‘Like’ the NO MAKEUP MONDAYS Page on facebook! NMM’s are written weekly by myself Savannah, and my mom, CorinaImage

Gotta Have It!

Lots of people were in the big city of Anchorage last week.  That usually means 3 things… food, movies, and shopping!! 😀  I went for a week and had a ton of fun running around.  It’s funny when you’re in the vill, you don’t really think about buying anything, except snacks. haha But when you’re walking around in the mall, all of a sudden your ‘needs’ list is never-ending! 😉


Girls tend to fall into materialism…especially when they walk into Forever 21, like me last week.  “That shirt is super cute, look at those those earrings, and I HAVE to have those shoes!!!” Although its not bad wanting to look good, I have to admit, I can get a liiiitle carried away.  For me, makeup is a BIG one. I’d rather have good makeup than nice jeans or sweet shoes.  It has recently gotten out of control, even for the ‘No Makeup Monday girl’.  :/  The last few weeks, I would look in the mirror and put a little more on, then later do “touch ups” and put more on, etc.  I thought I had a really good excuse, I was trying to look good for a guy (even though he likes me better without it. smh). haha  Well my mom got super mad last week because I kept adding makeup when we needed to leave and she grounded me from makeup for a few days (good one mom).  At first I was pretty upset, but after the second day I didn’t even have the desire to wear it, even during my worst breakout!  Big fat reality check. 


It made me stop and think that instead of focusing on all the stuff, we should focus on long-lasting things in life. Like family, relationships with people, and of course, our relationship with God. Things like makeup, clothes, shoes (whether Prada, Uggs, or Air Jordans), can’t make you happy.  I know it gives us pleasure, but it doesn’t fill your heart with the same kind of real happiness God or anyone else can give you.  Why love things, when they can’t love you back?  


VERSE: “Don’t collect for yourselves treasures on earth, where moth and rust destroy and where thieves break in and steal. But collect for yourselves treasures in heaven, where neither moth nor rust destroys, and where thieves don’t break in and steal. For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.”  Matthew 6:19-21



1) Take the day off from makeup

2) Dress up, do your hair, so your beauty isn’t hidden behind a scrubby look

3) Be proud of the natural beauty that you are

4) Give God glory today!

5) GUYS – Appreciate! 🙂


Let me know if you want to be tagged. You can check out my other devotions posted in my blog @  Don’t forget to ‘Like’ the NO MAKEUP MONDAYS Page on facebook! NMM’s are written weekly by myself Savannah, and my mom, CorinaImage

Blank… Monday, Feb. 25th

I usually look back at my week and see if there was anything that stood out to me, taught me a lesson, or things I had trouble with. Well for two days straight, I was thinking of a topic for this weeks note, and I came up with… nothing. Absolutely nothing. I already wrote enough about relationships to last the rest of the year! 😉 haha  So I prayed, read my Bible, prayed, searched the internet, prayed, asked friends for ideas.. but I just sat there, staring at my computer screen for days. haha


I got pretty frustrated and started really stressing that it’ll be too late to post by the time its done (which it is). The little voice in my head kept saying, “you’ll never think of something… you can’t even write, what do you think you’re doing… no one really reads these and it doesn’t matter if you do it this week or not… no. one. cares.”  But then, I remembered all the people who messaged me just this last week (not a coincidence btw), just to tell me how much they look forward to reading them every week, or how much it encourages them. Even a sweet little girl who’s like 8 years old messaged me, and it really inspired me to not give up. To know that God is using me to reach out to girls, women, and even guys, is a huge honor and is super humbling! Honestly, it can get overwhelming at times (I mean, what do know that can help anyone out?) but I know I just need to keep doing what God asked me to and let Him do the rest. 


Frustration can be big part of all our lives. We all have things that we don’t want to do, we don’t know how to do, or we doubt we’re able to do!  How many times have you gotten so frustrated that you just wanted to throw in the towel?  Me too! haha  Buuuut, we have to remember the big picture.  There are people out there who, no matter who you are, YOU INSPIRE!  We have to remember that God has a purpose for all of us, and the frustrations, if we just push through them, are just going to make us stronger and better in the future.  And we have to remember to hand over those frustrations to God, who can help us, no matter what they are. 


We get frustrated and discouraged sometimes, but hold your head up and keep goin’ strong! 🙂


VERSE: “Let’s not get tired of doing what is good, for at the right time we will reap blessings if we do not give up.”  Galatians 6:9



1) Take the day off from makeup

2) Dress up, do your hair, so your beauty isn’t hidden behind a scrubby look

3) Be proud of the natural beauty that you are

4) Give God glory today!

5) GUYS – Appreciate! 🙂


Let me know if you want to be tagged. You can check out my other devotions posted in my blog @  Don’t forget to ‘Like’ the NO MAKEUP MONDAYS Page on facebook! NMM’s are written weekly by myself Savannah, and my mom, CorinaImage

“Wait.. What?!” Monday, Feb. 18th

Every week, I write about things that come up in my life, and this week, the timing couldn’t be more perfect!  It was Valentine’s week, and all across America, girls and women alike were hoping for a Valentine dream come true.  Well if you’ve seen any of my pics on fb lately you know I’ve been ‘talking’ to someone and it’s almost getting to the point of fbo (adult translation: ‘facebook official’ lol).  He’s a pretty incredible and uhhhmazing guy! He is EVERYTHING on my ‘list’, has the best personality and always makes me laugh, writes the sweetest poems/songs/gm texts, makes me food when i’m hungry, helps me do dishes (and actually makes it fun!), opens doors for me, and treats me like I’m the most precious person he’s ever seen!  Never drops texting, never would consider another girl, and I NEVER have to wonder how he feels about me!  Get this… he’s even a major believer in purity until marriage! :O haha  Most importantly, he has a HUGE heart for God, the Bible, and missions ministry!  We study the Bible study together daily, and both agree to keep God in the center of everything we do. The parents even approved!  Perfff right?! 😉


I don’t know about guys, but most girls dream about having the “perfect” man someday. I’ve definitely spent many hours daydreaming the last couple of years! lol  Most of the time, you come across someone and they seem great. You hang out with them for awhile, and then something goes wrong and it’s over. I know after my first failed attempt at a relationship, I swore I would be friends with a guy first and get to know his heart before I would even consider a relationship!  But now that everyyything lines up and seems right, what do we do?  It just seems natural that we move to the next level and make it official, right?  So, we focused on God last week… we decided to fast, pray, and ask God what He wanted. At this point, we know we need to wait.  Wait on ‘dating’, wait on hugging, holding hands, etc. etc. until we know it’s also right with God.  And honestly, we both think it’s really awesome and fun just getting to know each other more and enjoy each other’s company without any of the other stuff!!


Through all of this I found out what my parents meant by “not giving your heart away”. It’s basically the same thing as holding back on the physical stuff, but it’s with your emotions (which btw is harder than the physical part! lol).  I know when it’s God’s timing, it will not fail. 🙂


Verse: “Do not arouse or awaken love until it so desires.” ~ Song of Songs 2:7b



1) Take the day off from makeup

2) Dress up, do your hair, so your beauty isn’t hidden behind a scrubby look

3) Be proud of the natural beauty that you are

4) Give God glory today!

5) GUYS – Appreciate! 🙂


Let me know if you want to be tagged. You can check out my other devotions posted in my blog @  Don’t forget to ‘Like’ the NO MAKEUP MONDAYS Page on facebook! NMM’s are written weekly by myself Savannah, and my mom, CorinaImage

BroTips! Monday, Feb. 11th

(Most Popular NMM from last year so I re-posted!)

I heard a compliment this week that made me smile.  Someone told me that guys at school were saying that the girls were actually looking prettier without makeup.  Whaaat?!  That totally surprised me!  The comments I used to hear before NMM when I didn’t wear makeup were, “you look tired” or “are you sick?”  lol

brotip#1 – Never. Ever. Tell a girl they look sick or tired. haha

brotip#2 – If you think a girl looks nice (not hot) and you’re not a creep, it’s ok to tell her.

brotip#3 – If you give a girl a compliment, don’t turn around and talk nasty about her with the guys.. it WILL get back to her, and it’ll move you to creep status.

brotip#4 – If a girl smiles at you or talks to you, it doesn’t automatically mean she likes you.  Try, TRY to consider her a friend so there’s no awkwardness.

brotip#5 – When it comes to cologne… less is more 😛

Yep. Just as you guessed, this ones for the guys.  Girls, feel free to share on their walls! 😉

Guys these days.  They can be awesome, cute, sweet, kind, emotional, truthful, considerate, and respectful.  Really?! haha  Somewhere… in each one, there are these amazing qualities just waiting to come out.  The problem is, right now, their dream girl is Katy Perry or some Victoria Secret model.  Their favorite artist is Lil Wayne and Wiz Khalifa. They’ve stopped looking at us as sweet girls that just want a real relationship based on trust and respect (haha did you just laugh?).  We girls, at some point, felt like we had to live up to Katy Perry, or sprout angel wings to get their attention.  I think this is why some girls, who are really cool people, change themselves, get with guys, or dress and act like their easy.

My dad told me that when he was in school, guys only acted like that because they wanted to be cool.. so they could get the girls.  Posters in their rooms, talking like pervs, disrespecting girls, and getting with anyone that would put out.  He said what all the guys really wanted (but couldn’t say it) was a relationship, and they wanted a relationship with the girls in school that were the hardest to get, because they had high standards and self-respect.  Interesting huh?  You mean girls act and look easy because they think guys want that?  And guys act like pervs to be cool, but really want a respectable girl?

If only we could start over, and look at each other the way God intended…  or could we?

VERSE: “Stay away from lusts which tempt young people. Pursue what has God’s approval. Pursue faith, love, and peace together with those who worship the Lord with a pure heart.”

2 Timothy 2:22

RULES for No Makeup Mondays:

1) Take the day off from makeup

2) Dress up, do your hair, so your beauty isn’t hidden behind a scrubby look

3) Be proud of the natural beauty that you are

4) Give God glory today!

5) GUYS – Appreciate! 🙂Image

Let’s wait, shall we? Monday, Feb. 4th

Have you ever gotten asked if you’re a virgin? Kind of an embarrassing subject to bring up huh? Welllll, since it’s the LOVE month, I’m just gonna go for it! lol  I know whenever I’ve heard anyone bring it up, it’s always like in a whisper voice and everyone stops to listen in. Idk about the guys, but I assume they add in a lot of teasing.  I mean, most people my age don’t consider being a virgin very cool, and it’s certainly seems weird that someone is confident enough about it that they stand up and say it in a crowd (or.. ahem.. on facebook lol).  But all awkwardness aside, I hope it encourages you to consider a few things…


I’ve decided a while back, that in my own life, no matter what, I would wait until marriage.  It’s mostly to honor God, but I also want to show my husband that I chose to wait to share my love with only him.  I’ve always been told to guard my heart and be careful, even if the guy is really sweet, cute, and caring. To me it’s totally worth waiting for that one special guy that God is preparing for me. In Proverbs 28 its says that a “faithful person will be richly blessed.”  I just love the fact that there’s someone out there who can look at me with the same pure heart, and who will love me for me, not what he can get from me. 


For the most part, girls are emotional, and guys are physical.  If a guy wants to do physical stuff, sometimes girls will bend their morals and standards so they can feel loved. I mean, what girl doesn’t want to feel special and loved?  The problem is, one thing leads to another.  How many girls out there have said, “I’ll just kiss, and that’s it”, but the next thing you know, you’re doing a lot more… and then later it’s with someone else?  And the more people you are sexually active with, the more of your heart you give away (even until it’s numb), and it’s a lot harder to give your husband your full amount of love. 


So what about if you’ve already given yourself away?  1 John 1:9 says: “If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness.” Did you see that?  It says PURIFY.  Not everyone is fortunate enough to learn early on about purity, and some of us have had things taken from us and feel like ‘it’s too late, so why bother?’ (purity is in your heart btw, so it cannot be taken from you if you’re not willing!) That’s what’s so cool about God.  He meets us exactly where we’re at, but we have to choose Him (become a Christian), and then will give us a pure heart to start over again.  It’s really worth the wait. 🙂


Parents and adults reading this: Thanks for being understanding of what’s brought up in NMM’s. Some of you may feel like it’s too much, but these are real things teen girls are facing today and my goal is to help them as best I can. 



1) Take the day off from makeup

2) Dress up, do your hair, so your beauty isn’t hidden behind a scrubby look

3) Be proud of the natural beauty that you are

4) Give God glory today!

5) GUYS – Appreciate! 🙂


Let me know if you want to be tagged. You can check out my other devotions posted in my blog @  Don’t forget to ‘Like’ the NO MAKEUP MONDAYS Page on facebook! NMM’s are written weekly by myself Savannah, and my mom, Corina

It MUST be Love <3 – Monday, Jan. 28th


I figured I would get your attention with a title like that.. there’s some curious minds out there! lol  Maybe it’s because I’ve never had a boyfriend, but I have a lot of people ask me about certain guys I’ve been texting, chatting, or hanging out with.  Honestly, there has been a couple of guys in the past few months that I thought were really cute, sweet, respectful, and cool.  I sometimes even have to ask myself if I’m crazy not to start something with them. haha

It’s not that I’m being stuck up or too good or whatever, and it may be hard for some people to understand, but the only reason I haven’t is because I’m looking for a certain type of love.  My definition of a perfect guy isn’t hot, athletic, smart, sweet, etc…  it’s someone who has experienced for himself the perfect Love that only God gives, because then he’s able to give me that same type of love God has shown him.  That’s why #1 on my list is that he loves God more than he loves me.  Make sense?


Most of us would agree, love is something we want, probably even more than anything else.  But its easy to confuse love with some other emotions and feelings. haha  And our love can be jealous, selfish, hurtful, and most of all, our love can fail. I almost fell for that once, thank God I listened when I was having doubts and decided to take a step back and get my head straight!  There’s a quote I heard recently that cracked me up, “If you want to know if a guy really cares about you, reject him and see what he does.”  lol  Not that I would ever recommend that or anything, but more than once I’ve asked a guy to be ‘friends’ or even ‘friends with potential’ and they drop me like a hot brick haha, even to the point of de-friending me on fb! :O  Now does that sound like someone who ‘cared’ about me?


Whether you believe it or not, we all deserve what God has for us…  LOVE that never fails.


VERSE: ““Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud.  It does not dishonor others, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs.  Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth.  It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres. Love never fails.”  1 Corinthians 13:4-8


1) Take the day off from makeup

2) Dress up, do your hair, so your beauty isn’t hidden behind a scrubby look

3) Be proud of the natural beauty that you are

4) Give God glory today!

5) GUYS – Appreciate! 🙂

Let me know if you want to be tagged. You can check out my other devotions posted in my blog @  Don’t forget to ‘Like’ the NO MAKEUP MONDAYS Page on facebook! NMM’s are written weekly by myself Savannah, and my mom, Corina


SUPER WEAK! – Monday, Jan. 21st

This week was going perfectly fine until… Thursday after school, when I had a TOTAL meltdown!!  If you know me, I never cry, I really don’t even get sad for some reason. haha   But everything I’ve been stressing out over the past few weeks got the best of me. I had really bad grades from going on a mission trip and getting behind, my room was a mess, I made cheer captain (which is a good thing 🙂 but it added extra pressure), I was helping out a friend in asuper stressful situation, and had to make a big huge decision about No Makeup Mondays. I just felt like I had sooo much pressure on me, and I had to cry to let it all out!  


Some people see me as the “No Makeup Monday girl,” “little miss perfect,” or my favorite, “sister Christian”. 😛 lol   To be honest, it’s pretty dang hard to live up to people’s expectations of me, ‘the good little eskimo girl’!  Sometimes I just want to be Savannah Kramer, an average 16-year-old girl who wants to hang out, eat junk food, have a boyfriend, and lay around all weekend watching movies in my jammies. haha  But I’m reminded that God created me for a specific reason. 


My mom and I are pretty good friends (which is weird I know), so when I have a problem or need to talk, I’ll sit down and vent to her. She agreed that it’s all a lot to take on, but then she said that I need to give it all to God and ask him for help. I realized that I got really stressed out because I was relying on myself instead of trusting in God to help me.  I felt so weak, like I couldn’t do it anymore.  Have you ever felt that way?  When I surrendered my life to God, I agreed to be who He wants me to be (not just a better version of who I want to be), and as He uses me to reach out, I have to remember let Him be in the lead.  It really takes the pressure off and then I can enjoy all the blessings He’s given me! 🙂


VERSE:   “..He said, “My grace is all you need. My power works best in weakness. So now I am glad to boast about my weaknesses, so that the power of Christ can work through me… For when I am weak, then (with Christ) I am strong.”  

2 Corinthians 12:9 &10b



1) Take the day off from makeup

2) Dress up, do your hair, so your beauty isn’t hidden behind a scrubby look

3) Be proud of the natural beauty that you are

4) Give God glory today!

5) GUYS – Appreciate! 🙂


Let me know if you want to be tagged. You can check out my other devotions posted in my blog @  Don’t forget to ‘Like’ the NO MAKEUP MONDAYS Page on facebook! NMM’s are written weekly by myself Savannah, and my mom, CorinaImage

TBH?? – Monday, Jan. 14th

New Years is the “tbh” (to be honest) season of the year… tons of people on fb are posting “Like for a TBH”.  Of course I usually ‘like’ them because, who wouldn’t want to know what people think of you? 😉  I decided that since there was nottthing to do on New Years, I would try a tbh of my own.  Big mistake… 110 people liked my status!  lol  Well, so far I’ve done about 40. 😛  Those things are way harder to write than NMMs!  I mean, there are my regular friends, but what am I supposed to write for someone who’s either creeped me out or was talking bad about me?  How about the girl in 5th hour that whines all the time or the person that sits next to me with B.O.? lol  So we just end up saying general things like “You’re pretty and tall and good at bball, we used to talk but don’t anymore, that should change!”

To be honest, the popularity of tbh’s is really just proof that, whether we admit it or not, wewant to be wanted (or even just liked! haha).  It shows in how we act, dress, who we hang with, and even our personalities. I think one of the biggest problems we face as teens is that we care more about what people think of how we look rather than who we really are!  It can really mess ya up!  Imagine how different we’d be if we never even thought about it (I’d probably be a big dork haha)?  In fact, that’s why I started No Makeup Mondays, I was feeling insecure about what I looked like and how I acted and God showed me that if I do things that are considered good to Him, I can’t go wrong! 🙂  I don’t have to hide behind ‘a girl’ who I think everyone will like!

TBH – random facts about me, just because.. 😉

  1. I LOVE wearing makeup, it’s just fun! I’d honestly prefer to do “Dress-like-a-scrub-day.” haha
  2. Black muktuk (whale blubber) isn’t my favorite eskimo food, but I love seal intestines! 🙂
  3. Out of all the sports I’ve done, cheerleading is DEFINITELY the hardest out of all of them!!
  4. I have no artistic side to me no matter how hard i try…i cant’t even draw stick people!
  5. I’m suuper shy. It literally takes an act of God for me to start a conversation. lol

What are 5 honest things about you?

VERSE:  “This is what the LORD says: ‘Cursed is the one who trusts in man, who depends on flesh for his strength and whose heart turns away from the LORD.’” Jeremiah 17:5


1) Take the day off from makeup

2) Dress up, do your hair, so your beauty isn’t hidden behind a scrubby look

3) Be proud of the natural beauty that you are

4) Give God glory today!

5) GUYS – Appreciate! 🙂

Let me know if you want to be tagged. You can check out my other devotions posted in my blog @  Don’t forget to ‘Like’ the NO MAKEUP MONDAYS Page on facebook! NMM’s are written weekly by myself Savannah, and my mom, Corina.